Notice of a Public Hearing for a Minor Variance Application No. A9-24
TAKE NOTICE that an application has been submitted for a Minor Variance application on the lands known legally as PLAN 160A PT LOT 17 E FRASER; ST RP 51R39080 PART 1 & 2 ESSA, municipally known 1 & 3 Fraser Street. The subject property is zoned Core Commercial (C2). The applicant is seeking relief from Section 30, Section 20.2r), Section 4.35a), and Section 4.35d) of Essa Township’s Zoning By-law 2003-50 for relief regarding setbacks, a residential unit being located on the first storey of a commercial building, the minimum floor area of a residential unit in a commercial building, and the maximum allowable portion of a commercial building that can be dedicated to residential uses.